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Flotilla 24-1 What's New!

            We are Flotilla 24-01Second Lady        

On the 2nd of March 2015, William Albert Ormsby was Commissioned by the Governor of Kentucky as a Kentucky Colonel. This is the highest honor a sitting Governor can bestow on someone. He was nominated by a sitting Colonel, and approved and Commissioned by Governor Steven L Beshear. Click on the image above to learn more about the commitment required to be considered to be a Kentucky Colonel. 

                  What we have done and what we are doing!!!

 Hands On Boating Maryland Course Taught By US Coast Guard Auxiliary Instructors of Flotilla's 054-24-01 and 054-24-03 was taught on April 23 and April 30 of 2016.


Congressional Citation Presented by Congressman Chris Van Hollen

With so many, 

Past Flotilla Commander, Thadeus Roberts, 24-01 Silver Spring along with several other Sector Baltimore Auxiliarists provided support to active duty for the day.


 "Double Shake" Both Marilyn Ginsberg and her significant other Receive their awards

Diane Powell Receives her Award.

Day Al-Mohammad Receives her Award.

 Mike Stryker Show's off Flotilla 24-01's Newest Member His Son!!  Steven Stryker.


Our Boating Safety Educational Activities With Edgewater, Md. Cubscout Pack, 815.


                                           Flotilla 24-01 at the Blue Angels Annapolis Airshow